Wednesday, December 30, 2009

View from a Window

While things are quiet on the sewing front, here is a pic of my sewing room which is still not in proper order since the Big Move from my son's former bedroom at the back of the house but we'll get there.....some time!  :-)  I have to admit I did not attempt to tidy it before taking the photo - it is au naturel!  This room is actually our rumpus room (or as the builders called it, the solarium) and there are windows almost all around it.  If I'd had my time again I would not have had floor to ceiling windows because I don't really like furniture in front of windows.  Then at least I could have had some low-lying furniture.  Anyway, this is what I have so I am making the best of it.  Must say I do like having the extra space!

Now here are the views from the window you can see in the pic above.  It is the corner of our back garden - very bushy but it is a favourite part of the garden.  Over the fence is an enormous reserve where our dog, Minnie, loves to go for her walks.


  1. Looks pretty tidy to me! Do you wonder how you managed in the smaller room? I have to agree with the windows, I have the same problem!

  2. It was like being in a cave in the smaller bedroom with just a path to each machine!
